July 2021, Sketchbook "The Beauty of Silence", creative process, graphically intervened digital photograph. 
Position: photographer/designer.
Even if they're not polished pieces, I consider that creative processes have great value in compositional and creative terms. Many times, a part of my process becomes artwork and, vice versa, the artwork becomes process. I'm interested in this duality and in the movement of the artwork in constant transformation. This piece has this type of character. It was born from a photographic registration and, from re-visiting it and      re-editing it, it ended up becoming an artwork.
July 2021, Process "The Beauty of Silence", storytelling (mixed media). 
Position: writer/designer. 
This piece represents the narrative development of "The beauty of silence." It's about a series of digital collages that structure and narrate the artwork.
 July 2021, The Beauty of Silence, digital video, narrative, 20 seconds. 
Position: filmmaker (writer/director/editor)
This is an artwork that emerged from an introspective research, where solitude, anxiety and anguish are some of the concepts that build the narrative. Although this project was born from a personal point of view, I believe it concerns social matters that sometimes can be invisible to us. The piece shows the value of fragility, distortion and disorder by validating their beauty.

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